So, my friend asked me try out a new bar after work last night and I figured it couldn't be too bad. Well, hot damn! I was very wrong! See, it wasn't the atmosphere of the place that distorted my vision. It was the demographic of bar-goers. I've never seen so many creepy, horny, promiscuous middle-aged adults in one setting. All of which seemed to have been making desperate attempts to hold onto their youth.
It was a minefield of men, dressed in flashy suits and fashionable H&M'esc attire, thinking they're the hottest shit since Mad Men. However, in New York, the suit can't buy you class. They still had extreme 'New Yawwwwk' accents, acted in low-class manors, groped female drink servers, and looked like statutory rapists. As for the women, it was disturbing to see caked-on make-up and tight dresses on the deteriorating bodies that only comes with years of gravity. Who approved this?
All of them acting like drunken teenagers, as the same shitty top 40 radio tunes pound the back of one's head like an excessive twitch. Everyone in the bar, fondling each other and acting like they were still in high school ....except the drinks are wildly expensive and the concept of "sophistication" appears very warped. Are they looking for casual hook-ups? Are they cheating on their partners? Are they divorcees and emotional wrecks, trying to regain freedom?
Listen, I'm not hating on anyone looking to get their kicks off. But it makes me worry. Are these adults in their 2nd childhood or has immature behavior never left their mind frame? What happened to the days of a quiet cocktail lounge? Or am I living in an unrealistic fantasy world? Young or old -- nightlife has become a perfect mess of rowdy, trashy, and pathetic endeavors of people who just want to let loose and party. This leads me to ask- does anyone grow up anymore? Or are there no more boundaries between ages? Are we all just smearing generations together like the shitty people we've become?