Sure, we all have (bullshit) resolutions for 2012 and we say we're going to abide by them. But what are your objectives for the evening in question? What are you looking to accomplish this coming evening?
If you're attending a party and planning on mingling with females, you better bring your A-game. Now is not the time for slobbery, on attire and manors. Do you want to be the douche of the evening or the suave gentleman that wasn't overlooked for your shit-like behavior?
If there's ever a time to dress to impress, now is time to pull out your good threads. Don't worry, you don't have to wear a suit. A collared shirt, and a pair of slacks or form-fitting jeans, will do just fine. Nothing baggy or sloppy. You will feel as confident as whatever you're wearing, so put some fucking effort in! K? Good. (If you still don't understand, see here: Dating Etiquette 101: Effective First Date Attire).
Next is your attitude. Most likely, everyone will be drinking and letting loose on NYE. There's a way to be the life of the party without being a tool. Play it cool and progressively delve into party-mode. Don't unbutton your shirt to "mid-drift status" and walk around with a Champagne bottle in your hand, like you're a rapper from the year 2000. Keep it together, man. Show the best side of yourself. Be charming, humorous, and delightful without being obnoxious and over'compensatory.
Follow this simple advice and you may end up impressing some ladies that you didn't expect would even chat with you. Now is your time for fresh impressions and new beginnings in your dating life.
Dig that and pop some bubbly ....but keep your composure.