Maybe she wants to have a girl’s night, or you want to play poker with the guys. It doesn’t mean they don’t want to spend time with you, and it shouldn’t mean the end of the world. It’s actually a perfect time for you to focus on yourself as well.
I was in a relationship that didn’t allow me to have these moments to myself and yes, it became frustrating. I couldn’t go help my friend build his computer or go to a job interview without her wanting to be right there with me. It ultimately led to the end of the relationship because it meant an argument, when she couldn’t go, as well as her becoming too dependent on me to be happy. No one likes that feeling.
Having time away from your mate is perfectly healthy and doesn’t mean you two are beginning to have problems. Don’t let that stop you from trying to enjoy some interests you have in common, but be sure to have something you do for yourself. Trust me, it could save a relationship.