When I think of celebrities that I'd love to exile from this earth, nobody irks me more than
Jennifer Lopez. What bothers me most is how she misrepresents herself as this underprivileged minority from the Bronx and now, she's achieved goddess-like status....but she never forgot where she came from! Give me a break!
(Lopez in a new 2011 Fiat commercial) |
My intense disdain for Ms. Lopez began when I heard her 2002 single; "Jenny From The Block", which is a display of complete insincerity and self-righteousness. When she sings; "Used to have a little / Now I have a lot", it makes me cringe at her elitist hypocrisy. How can she honestly say she's the same person, from the same neighborhood? She abandoned her "home", moved to LA, eventually became famous, and now lives in Glen Cove, Long Island. And yet, so much of her music and "story" is about how poor she used to be but ended "making it". What kind of message is she sending? Who is she inspiring? ....Let's not forget she also sells her body to sell records.
I'm only writing this because, for some reason, she's revived her career lately ...and my headache came back. She's in a new commercial, promoting
Fiat, that may give me an ulcer if I see it one more time. The commercial speaks for itself. She's capitalizing on her past in order to sell crap that people from her old neighborhood could never afford anyway! She's the biggest product pusher I've ever seen and she exploits a low-income area, full of hardships, in order to sell her "
rags to riches" story angle. It's disgusting.
It reminds me of when
Ronald Reagan visited the South Bronx in the 80s and did absolutely nothing thereafter. But hey, it's okay because
J. Lo is full of wealth, in which she retains most of it. It's sad that somebody so fake had to make a song called; "I'm Real". If you love the Bronx so much, go live there! That makes sense, right?