Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Changing Your "Relationship Status" on Facebook: Pressure or Petty Narcissism?

When entering a new relationship, it seems like you're not "official" until you announce it on Facebook so everyone can virtually congratulate you. Getting dumped? When your fresh Ex decides to announce her singlehood, everyone gets to know about it! Not only do they find out, but they get to "LIKE" and comment on it. Talk about fun.....

Has Facebook become a gossip column for nobodies or a crucial step in relationship survival/dismissal? If you don't announce your new romance on your profile, some may consider your love illegitimate. Even your significant other could take offense to the fact you're not broadcasting your love all over the web. Does this add more pressure? Does this sound like petty narcissism? Does it have the potential to f*ck things up? Yes, yes, and yes.

How about getting dumped? After my last long-term relationship, it didn't truly hit me until she changed her status to "Single" the very next day. It was shocking to see how some of her friends were leaving comments of happiness and also seeing other guys waiting to pounce on her like fresh meat in the market. Of course, then I get the pleasure of receiving phone calls and text messages from friends, asking if "I'm okay", when I wasn't ready to tell anyone.

Even engagements are announced on Facebook and measuring your news is determined on how many of your friends "LIKE" it. Why are we letting Facebook become our reality? It used to be an escape from reality reality just seems fake.