I apologize in advance if I’m too direct in this article but I have a very firm opinion on this subject. Regardless if the flirting is done online or in person, it is wrong. It may seem harmless because there is a computer distancing you from this other person, but the fact remains that you are dedicating time and to a degree fantasizing about this other person. Flirting does not have to be done in person for it to inspire arousal and doing it online can certainly lead to more involved situations as well. Consider how you would feel if your significant other was to do the same, does it bother you? Odds are it certainly will. If it doesn’t, then you might want to re evaluate your relationship because there might be a serious issue.
If your partner engaged in some online flirting, you need to talk about it and express all of your concerns and feelings about it. Don’t just keep it bottled up because it will only create more problems down the road. It’s similar to getting a pebble stuck in your shoe. It may not bother you right away, but it won’t go away and when combined with others it causes a bigger problem.
Online flirting has increased significantly over the years as a reason for divorce. To me, and I’m sure I’m not alone when I say this, there is no difference whether it’s online or not. It is wrong, and has the potential to seriously hurt. To you it may just be a little harmless fun, but your “significant” other will feel betrayed and the person you are flirting with will also feel deceived. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.