The holiday season can be as delightful and plentiful as you want to make it. They can also be awesomely lonely and dreary. But why is this? Perhaps because these American, Hallmark traditions are marketed to us as times for "excessiveness". Crowding yourself around family and friends, eating more food than doctor-recommended, and exchanging many gifts that are mostly of little necessity. And then after it's all over, we celebrate by drinking too much, in order to welcome a new year of making the same mistakes?
Don't get me wrong -- I am no Scrooge. I have fond memories of previous holiday seasons and have been fortunate enough to always have lovely people to share it with. However, this is my first holiday season post-break-up so this unabridged feeling of loneliness is luring here and there. I know that future holiday seasons won't always be like this but maybe its because I know that having an inconsistency of romance is unavoidable ....because life happens.
("You've Got Mail") |
The best I can do is try to get through this winter with as little emotion as I can. Sure, I'll put a smile on my mug and play the part of a cheerful chap, in order to please everyone. But at the end of the day, the holidays seem very hollow and faux to me. I don't know. I probably sound like a jaded 20'something right now. I'm going to pop in "You've Got Mail" and have a glass of wine. God, I f*cking love that movie!