Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Single Women at Weddings - Age Matters

Hooray! Wedding season is finally over for the year! Now I can hang my 1 makeshift suit back in the closet and remove the word "Open Bar" from my vernacular. I've come to the conclusion that the amount of single females depends on the age of the bride. The older the couple getting married (30s, 40s) -- the more locked-down couples there are -- which means the more lonely you feel. But if the couple is in their 20s, the more of a shot you have at meeting single girls.

In today's society, people barely get married in their 20s anymore. Out of the 6 weddings I was invited to this Fall, only 2 ceremonial couples were 20'something.The rest were in their 30s and 40s. Why is this? The trending story I continue to hear is; "I had A LOT of fun in my 20s but once I hit my 30s, I decided to cool down." .....Okay, I get it. Nobody wants to be tied down, especially in their wild youth. But are we having too much fun? Perhaps, are we creating too much baggage? Or is it healthier to wait awhile before we settle down?

This may sound grim but I'm curious to see which (out of the 6) couples will file for divorce. Considering the national statistics, it's bound to happen, right? This past weekend, my great aunt said something funny; "Everyone should get married twice. The first one is a practice run." It makes me wonder if, at a certain age, we want to be married and reproduce so badly, more than we want to find "that special someone". Some of you may have met that person in your 20s but you let them slip away because you weren't ready to settle down. Others needed time to date the  'wrong ones'.

I'll admit this -- out of all of these wedding ceremonies I've witnessed, I did get emotional at a couple of them. Going through all of this trouble to get married must mean something -- preparation, planning, financing, inviting guests, and months of anticipation. Why do we do it? Some do it for ego and display ....but I think most do it for love......real, genuine love....

and that's sweet....